Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Levels of Business

Q. Ok, I understand Traffic and I think I understand Conversion. What next?

The first important decision you have to make is what path to choose for starting to generate money online. Having so many different ways to make money online may seem confusing to new people.

Borrowing an analogy from Robert Kawasaki, I categorized the 4 distinct paths you can choose when getting started online. Pick the one that you feel is best suited for you and you'll be one step closer to earning your living online.

Level 1: Online Employee - Replace your "physical world" boss with an online boss. Visit WAHM (Work At Home Mom), WorkPlaceLikeHome. You'll find hundreds of opportunities to do real work for real companies from your home and get paid real bucks. LiveOps and West are two solid companies in the customer support category. You can find other companies if you don't feel comfortable speaking to customers over the phone and getting paid by the minute.

Level 2: Online Self Employed - Start a small business online and be your own boss. The absolute best place to start is eBay . Find a niche you love, search eBay to ensure there are at least 3 sellers in that niche to indicate demand is high enough and start offering those products on eBay as a seller. Starting on eBay is common to many of today's successful online moguls. Other great online small businesses to start with are - your own copywriting shop (if you know how to write well), a blog where you write about a hot niche and promote affiliate offers, or your own consulting business (if you have strong expertise in your area).

Level 3: Online Investor - If you have $5,000 to risk (don't risk more initially) this path might be for you. Head over to SitePoint forums and take a month to learn about how online businesses are bought and sold for a profit similar to Real Estate fixer-uppers. Another good investment channel is becoming a Domainer (people who buy website domains cheap and sell them months later for a huge profit).

Level 4: Online Business Owner - The holy grail of making money online is becoming a business owner. The difference between "Online Self Employed" and "Online Business Owner" is that as an online business owner, your business can function without you. Online business owners typically have dozens or hundreds of active websites, all generating passive income requiring little to no involvement. While obviously ideal, this is also the most difficult level to conquer. I strongly suggest you go through the previous levels first, to gain an understanding of the online world. Once you're ready, profitable online businesses are all about creating a service (or destination) people would easily extract value from. Create a site people would love to recommend to their friends and you're on the right track. Profitable online businesses include: Niche Content sites, Dating sites, Proxy servers , Lead generation , Affiliate Marketing and many more.

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